The Show

There it is. The Book. You probably wonder, what the heck is this show about?!, if you haven't watched. The show follows Joe, Fred, and Sam as they travel through time using a magic book, called The Book. And whether they're almost getting their heads chopped off or having an adventure with their great-granddaughters(Jodie,Freddi, and Samantha) it's always funny to watch!



Joe's an average kid with great friends and a boring family. The usual stuff. One more thing: he has a Book that allows him and his friends to travel across all dimensions of time and space.


Fred loves sports, food, and treasure. . . not necessarily in that order. Sometimes its food, sports and treasure. He'll charge into a room full of gladiators if the buffet is free, and take on a few pirates for a chest full of gold. Fred is one of Joe's two best friends.


Loves books, reading, calculations and research and not getting thrown into the ocean by pirates or being stabbed by gladiators. Sam is one of Joe's two best friends. He's also lactoseintollerant


Next in a long family line of magicians and time travelers, rightful owner of The Book in 2105. Her best friends are Samantha and Freddi. She can be a bit mean though. She lives in 2105


Freddi is Fred's great-granddaughter and lives in 2105.She hates, in no particular order: dark rooms; closed spaces; snakes; flight (jet AND inter-planetary); water; heights
stairs; deserts; going too fast; going too slow. And moths spiders and worms. She can be kind of a scaredy-cat but she's smart.


Samantha is Sam's great-granddaughter. She lives in 2105, has a robot cat that likes to eat thumbtacks, loves marshmallows, and is Jodie and Freddi's best friend. Samantha also likes weird facts and is kinda weird in my opinion. She's also very brave,too.


Anna is Joe's younger sister he doesn't really like. She likes to spy on Joe, and is very smart. She also knows how to control The Book(Well, at least, better than Joe, Sam, and Fred)

Mad Jack

Watch out for Mad Jack! (He's not called "Mad" for nothing, you know.) Whether he's lurking in the shadows or wandering about freely being mad, he's up to no good. Why's he so mad? As far as we can tell, it's something to do with his goal of becoming "the ruler of all space and time." Either that, or his monocle gives him a rash.